Onye nrụpụta ODM China na-ebugharị akpaaka Smart sensọ na-enweghị mmetụ ABS Electroplated Sanitizer Dispensador Liquid Soap Dispenser maka kichin kichin


Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Mkpado ngwaahịa

Were ọrụ zuru oke iji gboo mkpa niile nke ndị ahịa anyị;nweta ọganihu na-aga n'ihu site n'ịkwado mgbasawanye nke ndị zụrụ anyị;ghọọ ikpeazụ na-adịgide adịgide cooperative partner of clientele and maximize the interest of clients for ODM Manufacturer China Rechargeable Automatic Smart Sensor Touchless ABS Electroplated Sanitizer Dispensador Liquid Soap Dispenser for Kitchen Bathroom, We will continue to keep operating hard and as we consider our best to ọnọ. ngwaahịa kachasị mma dị elu, ọnụahịa ire ere na ụlọ ọrụ pụrụ iche nye onye ahịa ọ bụla.afọ ojuju gị, ebube anyị!!!
Were ọrụ zuru oke iji gboo mkpa niile nke ndị ahịa anyị;nweta ọganihu na-aga n'ihu site n'ịkwado mgbasawanye nke ndị zụrụ anyị;ghọọ ikpeazụ na-adịgide adịgide nkwado onye mmekọ nke ahịa na jirichaa mmasị nke ndị ahịa makaIhe nkwụnye ncha mmiri mmiri akpaaka, Ihe mmetụta ncha ncha mmiri mmiri China akpaaka, N'ịbụ ndị na-eche asọmpi ahịa ahịa zuru ụwa ọnụ siri ike, anyị ewepụtala usoro iwu ụlọ ma kwalite mmụọ nke "ọrụ mmadụ na nke kwesịrị ntụkwasị obi", na ebumnuche iji nweta nkwado zuru ụwa ọnụ na mmepe na-adigide.

Nkọwa nke ihe nchacha ncha

Voltaji 6VDC ma ọ bụ 4pcs nke 2 # akọrọ batrị Otu ugboro / oge 0.8ml
Ike 1000ml Ndụ batrị 10000 tụlee / okirikiri ma ọ bụ otu afọ
Ihe onwunwe ABS Plastic Asambodo CE
Nha ngwaahịa 112*122*280(mm) Enyere ike 3W



1. Ịdị ọcha—Mgbidi na-ebunye ncha ncha ime ụlọ ịwụ ahụ akpaaka na-enweghị mmetụ, dị ọcha karịa ihe ncha ncha aka.

2. Waterproof — ihe nchacha ncha n'ime A na-emechi ihe elektrọn niile ka ọ ghara ịnọ na mmiri. A na-eji osisi sekit mee ihe na-enweghị mmiri pụrụ iche na eserese ịgba, nke nwere ike ichebe ngwa elektrọnik dị mkpa n'ime ihe ncha ncha nke ọma.

3. Antibacterial ABS plastic, anyị na-agbakwunye onye na-ahụ maka nje bacteria na ABS plastic, mmetụta a nwere ike ime ka ABS plastic shei nwere ike igbochi ibu nje.

4. Enwere ike ịhazi nozzles ncha ncha, ihe dị iche iche na-emepụta ihe dị iche iche dị mma maka mmiri mmiri dị iche iche, enwere ike nweta mmetụta dị iche iche.

mmanya Ịfesa nozzles nwere ike tinye na mmanya sprays, drip nozzles nwere ike tinye na mmanya gel gel, na ụfụfụ nozzles nwere ike tinye na ụfụfụ .

5. LED egosi-Red maka ọrụ na twinkling maka obere batrị.Igwe ọkụ na-egosi nwere ike ichetara ndị ọrụ nlekọta ka ha dochie mmiri mmiri ma ọ bụ batrị n'oge, nke nwere ọgụgụ isi karịa.

6. Nnukwu ikike - 1000ml onye na-enye mmiri mmiri, dị mfe ịgbakwunye.Nnukwu ncha ncha nwere ike ibelata oge nlekọta nke ndị ọrụ nlekọta.



Ihuenyo ihie windo transperent a na-ahụ anya

Site na windo transperent, Nwere ike ịhụ oke mmiri mmiri na karama ncha ncha ka ndị ọrụ nlekọta wee nwee ike itinye mmiri mmiri n'oge.




Ngwa dị elu

Ejiji mara mma ma mara mma, plastik ABS na-egbochi nje bacteria na-egbochi uto nje



Ọ dị mfe ịgbakwunye Liquid

Mepee ihe nkesa ncha igwe anaghị agba nchara wee mepee mkpuchi nke kettle.nwere ike ịgbakwunye mmiri mmiri ozugbo.
Nchedo okpukpu abụọ, kettle n'ime igwe agaghị ezu ohi.



Sensọ infrared akpaaka

Induction nwere ọgụgụ isi na-abụghị kọntaktị na-ezere ọrịa obe.

Nchedo okpukpu abụọ, kettle n'ime igwe agaghị ezu ohi.


Nrụnye ziri ezi


Nwụnye na-ezighi ezi

Agaghị eme ka mmiri ọ bụla


Nwụnye na-ezighi ezi

Ga-eme ka bọọdụ sekit mebiri emebi ma na-aga n'ihu
Agaghị eme ka mmiri ọ bụla


Ndepụta akụkụ



Were ọrụ zuru oke iji gboo mkpa niile nke ndị ahịa anyị;nweta ọganihu na-aga n'ihu site n'ịkwado mgbasawanye nke ndị zụrụ anyị;ghọọ ikpeazụ na-adịgide adịgide cooperative partner of clientele and maximize the interest of clients for ODM Manufacturer China Rechargeable Automatic Smart Sensor Touchless ABS Electroplated Sanitizer Dispensador Liquid Soap Dispenser for Kitchen Bathroom, We will continue to keep operating hard and as we consider our best to ọnọ. ngwaahịa kachasị mma dị elu, ọnụahịa ire ere na ụlọ ọrụ pụrụ iche nye onye ahịa ọ bụla.afọ ojuju gị, ebube anyị!!!
Onye nrụpụta ODMIhe mmetụta ncha ncha mmiri mmiri China akpaaka, Ihe nkwụnye ncha mmiri mmiri akpaaka, N'ịbụ ndị na-eche asọmpi ahịa ahịa zuru ụwa ọnụ siri ike, anyị ewepụtala usoro iwu ụlọ ma kwalite mmụọ nke "ọrụ mmadụ na nke kwesịrị ntụkwasị obi", na ebumnuche iji nweta nkwado zuru ụwa ọnụ na mmepe na-adigide.

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